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Company Information

The company is named Calypso Systems and is registered in France.

We do various developments around security but not limited to this area (we have a medical application for people who are suffering from aphasia).

Our 2 main applications are IP Tools and Security and Webpass. We have a free and a premium version for both.

IP Tools and Security

IP Tools and Security is a combination of tools to help you understand your network's configuration, security issues associated with the device or the network, the availability of the network and its performance.


The application NEVER uses the information collected for any privacy violation purpose.



IP Tools and Security - free (and Premium) version


There are four main sections:


Risk detection - Discovery/Ports scan

  • Risk detection presents a high level view on your risks:

    • Threat risk: it checks if you have an open session with a malware server (using our malware, botnets, ransomware​ database).

    • Network protection: it testssafely if you have external protection (firewall, IPS, DNS, etc.) in place and how good they are.

    • Applications: it verifies the applications installed and the risks associated with them.

    • Details and recommendations: it presents all the information about the risks and provides recommendations.

  • Discovery: it discovers the list of devices on the local network and tries to discover the device's type.

  • Ports scan: it scans all TCP ports to check if there are security issues.



  • Network information it gives network information such as IP addresses, DHCP, DNS, etc...

  • Speed test: it informs the user about the uplink/downlink speed

  • Ping: it checks if a device respond to ping requests

  • Traceroute: it collects each IP addresses traversed to reach a target destination. It gives information on the organization, region and country.  

  • DNS-Whois: it retrieves the DNS information associated with an IP address and the reverse.


Applications security

Applications security retrieve the list of installed applications and services. It checks how regularly they have been used and verify the risk level associated. The risk is calculated based on the permissions allowed. It analyses precisely all the permissions with an unique knowledge database.


Threats detection

Calypso Systems owns a database of malware, phishing, botnets and ransomware known domains.

The database consists of more than 120,000 records kept in an encrypted format so that the bad guys can't read it.

The database is regularly updated (through regular applications updates) and is loaded at run time.


We use the database in multiple functions:  Threats detection, Traffic inspection and TCP sessions.


  • Threat detection: once started it monitors the flows established from/to the device to detect potential threats.

  • Traffic inspection: it reads the incoming/outgoing data packets to inform the user to which servers he communicates. It NEVER read the content of the private information contained in the packet. We are only checking the IP (source/destination) and TCP/UDP information.  

  • Web sites test: it tries to access malware web site to check if the network is protecting you. It only tries to do a connection and then closes the connection.

  • Phishing education: it is an educational module which verifies if users are not responding to phish attack. The content of the phish email is harmless and under control of the user.

  • Miscellaneous security tools: it offers a set of functions and information such as:

    • Backup: it verifies if the right policy is in place for backup of the data. It never accesses the data itself.

    • Email compromised: checks if your email account has a risk of being on the black market

    • Several web sites to keep informed


Other functions

-Security summary: it builds a report of all the above functions. Reports can be sent to an email address chosen by the user.

-Android unix command

-Settings: it allows settings of the email address for the reports, the network link speed, the packets inspection buffer size and sending comments about issues or improvements requests.





IP Tools and Security Premium version


The premium version offers the following features on top of the regular version:


-Geographical information providing public location of the IP nodes. For example Traceroute allows to visually see on a map all the hops traversed on the route. The information used here is coming by API from a company with whom we have a partnership:

-More details on Applications security

-More details on the Security functions


IP Tools and Security Premium is a combination of tools to help you to understand your network's configuration, any potential issues, the availability of the network and its performance. 
The second set of features focuses on security in order to check if your users are vulnerable. Comprehending the network and the security is crucial to understanding if you are at risk and where the attacks may be coming from.


IP Tools and Security Premium also offers a widget to control the counter espionage functions.


Network functions

  •    Network discovery

    • Class A/B/C discovery

    • IP range definition

    • Identification by: type, IP, host, MAC, vendor

  • Wifi scan:

    • Complete Access Points list

    • Signal strength

    • MAC, IPs, DHCP, DNS, etc...

  •   Mobile information

  • Graphical download/upload speed test

  • Ping: 

    • Shortcut to the router or internet

    • IP, host, interval

  •  Traceroute:

    • Hops identification with city/country and AS/organization information

    • Google map view

    • IP organisation and geographical information. For example: do you have a concern about a web site? The IP security traceroute functionality will confirm if you have a risk.

  •  DNS and Reverse DNS:

    • IP to hostname resolution

    • City/country and AS/organization information

  •  Whois: it is a protocol that provides information about Internet resource, such as a domain name


Applications security
Security issues start with the processes: applications and services.

  • Identification of the most and least used applications

  • Details of the application setup and usage

  • Detailed information on the allowed permission

  • Details on each of the permissions 


Counter espionnage

  • Prevents spyware to record conversation

  • Prevents spyware to take photo/video without your authorization

  • Helps identifying the application responsible for the espionage 



Calypso Systems owns a database of malware, phishing, botnets and ransomware known domains.

The database consists of more than 120,000 records kept in an encrypted format so that the bad guys can't read it.

The database is regularly updated (through regular applications updates) and is loaded at run time.


We use the database in multiple functions:  Threats detection, Traffic inspection and TCP sessions.


  • Ports scan:

    • Scan per device

    • Scan for all devices: 

      • ​identification of ports

      • top common ports

      • ports analysis

    • Scan from the internet side to test the penetration risks

  •  Real time threats detection:

    • Background service that sends an notifications in case of detection

    • Analysis to identify false positives

    • False/positive database management

  •  Traffic inspection with malware identification:

    • Botnet malware identification

    • Traffic identification by domains or per session

    • Organization and geographical information

  •  URLs test to check your firewall

  • Phishing to educate your users to the phishing risks

  • Miscellaneous security tools: it offers a set of functions and information such as:

  • Backup: it verifies if the right policy is in place for backup of the data. It never accesses the data itself.

  • Email compromised: checks if your email account has a risk of being on the black market

  • Several web sites to keep informed



Other functions

  • Security summary: it builds a report of all the above functions. Reports can be sent to an email address chosen by the user.

  • Android unix command

  • Settings: it allows settings of the email address for the reports, the network link speed, the packets inspection buffer size and sending comments about issues or improvements requests.


and finally:


  • New security features: they will be available first in the premium version for example the geographical and analysis information in packet inspection.

  • No advertisement

  • Faster response times for support
















Webpass is an application to help users to manage and secure their passwords. The passwords should at least be changed every year. Webpass helps automatize this process and keeps the user's information very secured. All the key information (application's password, web services definition, login name, password, date of change) is kept using both SHA-256 and AES-256 (256 stands for the key length being based on 256 bits). The user's data stays on the device limiting the risk of hackers wanting to attack a web server.


The Webpass free version is limited to 5 web services.

The webpass premium is not limited.


The permissions required are:


  • Internet: to access the network when the user wants to reset the password, to check if email(s) have been compromised and to give security news

  • System alerts: if needed the application can alert the user on some action that requires his attention.

  • Calendar access: the read/write access is necessary to manage the events warning the user he/she has to change passwords. 





























(free and premium version)

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